Classical Greece (480 BC - 323 BC)

(See also: Greek Resources Page)

Web Resources
The Acropolis Museum, Athens
Classical Greek Art in the Louvre
Doric Greek Temples In Sicily. Mike Gunther
Fifth-Century Greece. Thomas R. Martin
Greek Sculpture slideshow. Christina Salowey
The Olympic Games. Perseus
The Parthenon Frieze (multimedia). Columbia University
Parthenon Gallery of Images. SUNY at Onteonta
Pathways To Ancient Myth. Calvin College
Photo Library. University of Richmond department of Classical Studies
The Shrine of the Goddess Athena. Roy George

Image Links (click inside)

1. Classical Greek Sculpture (5th century B.C.)
Kritios Boy 480 Charioteer 478 Poseidon 460 Athena 460 Eleusis 440-430 Dionysos 438-2
Poseidon 438-432 Caryatid 420 Hegeso 410-400

2. Classical Greek Sculpture (4th century B.C.)
ca. 350
Hermes of Praxiteles
Antikythera Ephebe
Marathon Boy

3. Roman Copies of Classical Greek Sculptures
Marble copies, from Greek marble or bronze originals, were made during Roman times to adorn Imperial and aristocratic collections and civic monuments. Some may be copies of copies. The originals were lost in antiquity, but are mentioned in literary sources.

Pericles Diadoumenos Apollo Saurocton Diana of Versailles Hermes Sophocles
Marsyas Apollo Belvedere Apoxyomenos Discobolus

4. Fifth Century Greek Vases
Hydria c. 490 Krater 480-470 Krater 480-470 Lebes Gamikos 480-460 Satyr Vase 470 Kylix 470
Rhyton 470-460 Kylix 470-460 Lekythos 460 Stamnos 440-430 Skyphos 430-420 Hydria 420-400

5. Fourth Century Greek Vases
Krater 380-360 Krater 350-340 Loutrophoros 350-340 Krater 350-325 Nestoris 350-340 Krater c. 340
Pelike 340-330 Fish Plate 340-330 Lekythos 335-320 Derveni Krater 350-320

[last updated: July 25, 2013]

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