Burial Chamber of King Muryeong
Baekje, 523 AD
Songsan-ri Burial Mounds, Gongju, Korea
This photo looks north towards the rear of the chamber. The barrel-vaulted interior is constructed of bricks that are laid out in alternating courses of soldiers (uprights) and stretchers (horizontals). Its dimensions (J. W. Best,
"Buddhism and Polity in Early Sixth-Century Paekche,"
Korean Studies, Vol. 26, 2002) are
1.04m wide x 2.9m long x 1.45m high (3.4' x 9.5' x 4.76') for the entry passage, and 2.72m wide x 4.2m long x 2.93 high
(8.9' x 13.8' x 9.6') for the chamber.
The architect evidently gave some thought to these proportions:
entrance length = chamber height
entrance height = 1/2 chamber height entrance width = 1/4 chamber length = 1/3 chamber height