Central figure from the Big Dipper constellation

Ohoe Tomb #4, 6th - 7th century
Ji'an, China

In spite of this figure's central position in the constellation (see the previous page), he1 is not the Big Dipper God2 (Chiseonggwang). Rather he is a gandharva, a type of flying celestial musician imported ultimately from India along the Silk Road (see, again, the previous page). An hourglass drum hangs from his chest, and his legs are bent in a variant of the flying posture as a multitude of feathers hold him aloft. His hair is arranged in a flowing topknot, and he holds an object that can't quite be made out in his right hand.

1The figure is incorrectly identified as female in Park, fig. 12, p. 34, in spite of its obvious moustache!
2The Big Dipper God is Buddhist, but Goguryeo, although contemporary with Buddhist Tang China, Silla, and Baekje, was not a Buddhist kingdom; there is not a single Buddhist figure to be seen here or in any other Goguryeo tomb.