Dining Scene (detail)

Muyong Tomb, 5th century A.D.
Ji'an city, Jilin province, China

On the north wall, the master (right) is hosting a banquet for two dignitaries (left) who are robed like Buddhist monks, although without a tonsure. The small figure of an acrobat entertains the party as he contorts himself around a handheld lamp and dish which are required to remain upright; the monk at the left stretches his arms in a gesture of appreciation. This form of entertainment is still practiced in China today, under the name of rolling lights. In this painting, the acrobat's small size is a convention that indicates his relative unimportance on the social scale.

The banquet takes place under an elaborate tent awning. The servants on the east wall are carrying food to this location. The supplies of food and wine are laid out behind the diners, to be served up in smaller dishes. Additional guests are situated below the platform of honor. The lower photograph is a modern copy of the scene.