Maitreya and Vairocana Halls

Beomeosa Temple
Busan, Korea

This photo shows the two halls (Vairocana hall is left, Maitreya hall is right); their statues are shown below.

Statue of Vairocana

Vairocana is making his typical "knowledge fist" mudra, and is flanked, according to a temple guide, by Munsoo (Manjusri, l.) and Bohyun (Samantabhadra, r.). However, the Buddhas of the Past and Future in the Main Hall (next page) look almost identical to these figures.

Statue of Maitreya

Maitreya's posture is very different from the better-known "Pensive" posture seen in other statues of this deity. The Maitreya in this photo is already a Buddha (the "Buddha of the Future"), while Maitreya in Pensive form is a Bodhisattva who is waiting to become a Buddha (the "Future Buddha").