Queen's Temple

Abu Simbel, Egypt

The Queen's Temple at Abu Simbel is dedicated to Nefertari, who married Ramesses before he became Pharaoh. Its facade displays six colossal statues: Ramesses-Nefertari-Ramesses, arranged in two groups of three on either side of the central entrance. And as if having her own temple was not enough, Nefertari was even portrayed at the same size as her husband! This was one important woman.

The royal colossi are flanked by much smaller statues of various princes and princesses, as seen also on the Great Temple (previous page). Above, one can see some of the blocks into which the facade was cut during its relocation.

Mighty in love as in war, Ramesses took eight principal queens during his lifetime, boasting of over 100 sons, and of daughters too many to be counted.